I'm excited to be featuring my daughter, Lynzie, as a guest blogger today. God sure knew what he was doing when he sent this patient and encouraging girl to be my oldest. Today she's sharing her perspective on what it's like growing up as the oldest sibling in a big family. Lynzie blogs at Thoughts from a Young Writer.
I love creating things with them; like the day I helped place stickers on Liam’s model car.
Each one of them has a dream, a goal that they want in their lives, and I get to be a part of their growth in it.
Going back to getting on my nerves, they are also very independent, which makes it hard to babysit them. Trying to run after three little munchkins, disciplining an older child, and trying to have a conversation with the others, all at the same time, can be very annoying, and very, very difficult. Not only that, but also making sure that they are safe is also a big job.
But, also, they can be perfect angels at times, when I'm babysitting. Turn on a movie--bam--works. Get out a coloring book and crayons--bam--works! They do get a nap after lunch, which quiets the house down, as well.
Thankfully, the stress is half as hard when my first brother, Michael, is helping, which is a big "thank you". The kids seem to listen to him more than me.
I enjoy being a part of my Mom’s campaigns for her blog. I always get to help with the preparations, such as a Littlest Pet Shop campaign my Mom did last year. I had to dress up as Blythe Baxter and pretend to be her the whole morning. The kids loved it, at least those who watch LPS.
We recently had an ice cream party, and I loved watching them eat the dessert, the younger ones’ faces smothered in vanilla/coffee ice cream.
Being the oldest also for me is special because my parents get involved in many things that I have done, such as ballet. I have taken classes for a year, but quit, and decided to create my own ballet. My Mom used her free time to take me and my sisters, Selah and Avalon, to classes twice a week. It was so much fun to have that time with her. One Saturday, we went to the mall for one of her campaigns.
When I was younger, me and Dad would go to a dance every year. It was special to have a pretty gown to wear, and be with him until almost 11 o’ clock! Recently, me and Michael started Human Videos with a family from church, and my Dad is involved in it as well, helping with sound and lights.
I also get to use my talents to bless my family. I love to write stories, and read them to my family. I love drawing for them, and sketching them.
Being in such a big family is a blessing, and a gift from God, and I LOVE it!!!!!!
Check out Lynzie's blog at Thoughts from a Young Writer.